Shop / Vitaminic / Vitaminic HydraProtection

Vitaminic HydraProtection

500 ml - 16.90 fl. oz.

Formulated to be used only mixed with CURLTHERAPY and K-STRAIGHTCREAM on treated hair.
SKU: V70 Categories: , ,


Formulated to be used only mixed with CURLTHERAPY and K-STRAIGHTCREAM on treated hair. It protects and hydrates the hair from roots to ends during the treatment and it prevents damages. The high concentration of hydrating and restructuring elements acts on damaged zones.
HYDRAPROTECTION strengthens the hair structure and improves the treatment result; the hair is more elastic and cosmetic.

Additional information

> Mix 30 ml of HYDRAPROTECTION every 100 ml of K-STRAIGHTCREAM or CURLTHERAPY and proceed with the desired treatment. BENEFITS > It strengthens hair structure > It improves treatment result