Shop / Accessories / Titanium Iron Tourmaline

Titanium Iron Tourmaline

Iron for professional use to smooth o create movement even on difficult or thick hair.



Iron for professional use to smooth o create movement even on difficult or thick hair

 * Titanium Plates – 32 mm x 100 mm, with floating system on silicone pads

* Analogic control 170 ° 190 ° 210 ° 220 ° 230 ° C + / – 5 ° – Dual voltage (100 ~ 240 volts)

* Automatic sensor for instant temperature recovery during use

* LED digital display, automatically turns off after 30 min. if not used

* Original Body for comfortable use.

The digital selection allows to select the desired temperature depending on the type of hair.

 Natural Hair 190 ° / 200 ° C

Dyed and / or sensitive Hair 170 ° C

Double or very thick hair 220/230 ° C

The plates coated with Titanium with an extremely smooth surface give these characteristics:

High abrasion resistance, untouchable for acids, etc.

Keep smooth effect for many days

Constant and fast temperature thanks to a special aluminium support base

 The delicacy of plates tilt make the iron a fantastic tool to smooth even very thin hair sections, fringes, layered hair. The tension of closed plates must NEVER be excessive because the plates are adapted to thickness of every lock.

Always use comb or brush to separate the hair while ironing, and you will always have amazing results.

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