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Mia Color Cream

Pack 3 tubes of 100 ml. - 106 shades

Mia Color Cream PPD-Free with Passion Fruit assures high-quality performances and surely represents the top in the range of hair dye products for professional use.


Mia Color Cream PPD-Free with Passion Fruit assures high-quality performances and surely represents the top in the range of hair dye products for professional use. Mia color cream guarantees a perfect and complete coverage of grey hair giving it vibrant shades that become more fascinating as the time goes by. Its exclusive formulation PARAPHENYLENEDIAMINE (PPD) FREE with low ammonia concentration (1,5 – 4,5%) assures excellent levels of lift and respects the hair thanks to the substitute of the PPD, the molecule that takes part of the diaminotoluene group, a substance with its own well-defined technical and safety profile. It is a very precious product that treats the hair fibre in a much safer way. Mia color cream contains active ingredients of the highest vitaminic and cosmetic value among which the PASSION FRUIT.

The Passion Fruit is cultivated throughout Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Its seeds are cold pressed to extract a golden coloured, aromatic oil. This oil is then filtered and refined to achieve the purity of its numerous properties: SOOTHING – POLISHING – NOURISHING – HYDRATING – SILKY TOUCH NON-GREASY FOR HAIR Mia Color Cream includes the range Special with the shades that assure perfect coverage and natural nuance. Mia Special contains the Shea Butter.

Additional information

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS WHEAT MICRO-PROTEINS: thanks to their low molecular weight and to their high affinity with the amino acids of the hair structure, wheat micro-proteins repair the hair in depth and in a completely natural way giving back its natural volume. LACTOSAFE: it consists in a mix of lipophilic acids derived from apples, oranges, red and black currant that help to protect the scalp from irritations and burning sensations, thus making Mia color a very gentle and secure product. Lipophilic acids have soothing properties and give an excellent texture to the product. ALPHA-LIPO DERIVATIVE FROM WILLOW: is a molecule with relevant polishing properties that confers, together with ultra-pure pigments, high shine and acts as an adjuvant of the UV filter.