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LISS 2 velvet seduction

500 ml - 16.90 fl.oz.

Hydrating, anti-frizz smoothing fluid for amazing results, for a NATURAL SMOOTH.


Hydrating, anti-frizz smoothing fluid for amazing results. Its unique formula it’s a sophisticated combination of actives of vegetal-origin, amino acids and soy and wheat fito-proteins, guar gum and silk proteins. Hair is regenerated, cuticles closed. It eliminates frizzy effect and volume giving a new beauty to damaged hair for an immediate recovering, for a perfect smooth.

Additional information

HOW TO USE FOR Natural, Afro or Coloured Hair PHASES 1 AND 2: 1 PREPARATION OF THE SHAMPOO PHASE 3: TREATMENT Divide the hair with a comb into 4 parts (profile and radial separation) Pour 30/50 ml of LISS 2 Plus Absolute Smoothing Hair into a plastic bowl. The amount needed depends on the length and mass of the hair. Start from the nape of the neck, divide the sector into 1 cm horizontal sections and apply LISS 2 Plus with a brush Keep a distance of 0.5 cm from the scalp and proceed to the ends. Massage each lock with your hands to make the product penetrate the hair fibre more easily. Processing time by hair type ? Natural ? 30 min ? Natural Afro ? 35 min ? Colored ? 35 min ? Colored or bleached 50% ? 25 min ? Bleached 70% or more ? 10 / 15 min ? White ? 10 / 15 min STEP 4: POST-TREATMENT DRYING After the application time, rinse lightly for 2 seconds with warm water and proceed with drying. Rinsing should not exceed 2 seconds, remove excess with a towel and must be uniform. Dry the hair 100% with a brush and hairdryer. STEP 5: STRAIGHTENING Before proceeding with the straightener, check that the hair is perfectly dry. Set the temperature of the straightener. It is important to choose the correct iron temperature to obtain excellent results. Divide the hair with a comb into 4 sectors (profile and radial separation). Starting from the nape of the neck, divide the sector with the comb into 1 cm horizontal sections. Keep the lock of hair taut with a brush, pass the straightener from the base to the ends 8-9 times for each section. Check the result each time and keep an eye on the correct temperature and color. Insist on the most difficult areas (nape of the neck, regrowth, frontal area) pass the straightener several times always observing the reaction of the first locks. After having straightened all the hair, proceed to rinse for about 5 minutes, then move on to the last step 3 Final Conditioner leave to act for 5 minutes, rinse and dry the hair with the hairdryer to obtain the straightened look. METHOD OF USE WITHOUT RESTING TIME PHASES 1 AND 2: 1 PREPARATION OF THE SHAMPOO PHASE 3: TREATMENT Divide the hair into 4 sections starting from the back of the neck with horizontal sections of 1 cm. Apply LISS 2 with the dispenser or LISS 2 PLUS with the brush and comb each lock to facilitate the penetration of the product into the hair fibers. RECOMMENDED QUANTITY > from 40 g to 60 g > check that the product is well distributed over the entire structure of the hair, if necessary increase the quantity. PHASE 4: DRYING Start drying the hair with a hairdryer and brush starting step by step from the back of the neck to the front.